Impressum engl

Copyright notice
All images, graphic elements, texts, designs and scripts on this site are copyrighted by Florian K. (in the following called author). The copyright also remains valid if the author uses this material otherwise. Downloading and/or adapting this material does not give any other person any rights on this material. If this site uses material not created by the author, the respective creators/
owners of this material are mentioned or the material was taken from the public domain.
All images, graphic elements, texts, designs and scripts on this site are copyrighted by Florian K. (in the following called author). The copyright also remains valid if the author uses this material otherwise. Downloading and/or adapting this material does not give any other person any rights on this material. If this site uses material not created by the author, the respective creators/
owners of this material are mentioned or the material was taken from the public domain.
site author: Florian K.
country: Germany
E-Mail: FKdesignMail[at]
contact formula
tested with:
version of this site: 9.0
last update: 08-31-2012
Right of use
Images displayed on this site can be downloaded and used only for personal use or for the purpose of educating, if these images are not used commercially and are not altered or adapted. Personal and educational use is only allowed if the images are tagged with the full reference, source and credits of/to the author and this site, only if these images are not displayed in any public way and only if the images are not reproduced and shared. All images use a low resolution. If you want to use images in higher resolution please contact the author (Florian K.). Please note that some images are totally excluded from any use (even from personal and educational). Please contact the author for additional information. Any commercial use, adaptation or alternation of images or texts of this site is prohibited, unless the author gives his consent in written form. You are not allowed to use or display parts of this website or the whole website on another web page. You are not allowed to download and use the design of this site or its scripts.
Images displayed on this site can be downloaded and used only for personal use or for the purpose of educating, if these images are not used commercially and are not altered or adapted. Personal and educational use is only allowed if the images are tagged with the full reference, source and credits of/to the author and this site, only if these images are not displayed in any public way and only if the images are not reproduced and shared. All images use a low resolution. If you want to use images in higher resolution please contact the author (Florian K.). Please note that some images are totally excluded from any use (even from personal and educational). Please contact the author for additional information. Any commercial use, adaptation or alternation of images or texts of this site is prohibited, unless the author gives his consent in written form. You are not allowed to use or display parts of this website or the whole website on another web page. You are not allowed to download and use the design of this site or its scripts.
On 05-12-1998 the district court of Hamburg enacted the law »Haftung für Links« (Responsibility For Links) that makes the author of a website partially responsible for the content of other/external sites he/she links to. I (Florian K.) dissociate from the content of external sites I linked to. Before the establishing of a link I checked the linked site to exclude any violation of rights on it. It is impossible to check every linked site permanently to exclude later violations of rights – Because of that, every user is personally responsible for the use of links on this site targeting external sites. Responsible for the display of ads on this site is webme. I assume no liability for correctness of given information and the full capability of any material. This site was created with Homepage-Baukasten.
On 05-12-1998 the district court of Hamburg enacted the law »Haftung für Links« (Responsibility For Links) that makes the author of a website partially responsible for the content of other/external sites he/she links to. I (Florian K.) dissociate from the content of external sites I linked to. Before the establishing of a link I checked the linked site to exclude any violation of rights on it. It is impossible to check every linked site permanently to exclude later violations of rights – Because of that, every user is personally responsible for the use of links on this site targeting external sites. Responsible for the display of ads on this site is webme. I assume no liability for correctness of given information and the full capability of any material. This site was created with Homepage-Baukasten.